21-Dec-2020 The institutional murder of Gopesh Das 109th person to die in connection with the citizenship crisis in Assam
31-Aug-2020 Persons deprived of liberty require specific focus: UN-IASC Guidance on prisoners and detainees amidst Covid-19
18-Aug-2020 From detention camp to human rights defender Assam Woman's incredible and inspiring journey
05-Aug-2020 CJP helps release man after 12 years behind bars in Assam Jabed Ali served two sentences, 10 years for an unrelated matter and 2 years in detention camp
31-Jul-2020 How CJP helped 33 people walk out of Assam’s Detention Camps The Arduous task of getting inmates out of Detention Camps
27-Jul-2020 CJP helps Assam man walk free after 12 years behind bars! Jabed Ali served two consecutive sentences; 10-years for an unrelated matter and 2 years in detention camp
13-Jul-2020 CJP’s relief efforts continue in Assam despite cyclone, floods and heavy rains Lockdown challenges compounded by extreme weather conditions, CJP Team persists
08-Jul-2020 Mother of five reunites with children after two years: CJP Assam Harbala Khatun is the 32nd inmate to be released from Assam's detention camp with CJP's help
04-Jul-2020 How CJP helped 32 people walk out of Assam’s Detention Camps Here is the step-by-step procedure we followed to ensure their release on conditional bail
03-Jul-2020 CJP Impact: Mother of five becomes 32nd inmate to be released from Assam Detention Camp “I never thought I would see the faces of my boys," says Harbala Khatun who was released from Kokrajhar detention camp due to CJP’s intervention
17-Jun-2020 CJP Assam: Reaching out to released detention camp inmates fighting poverty We are dedicated to fight for the impoverished who are trapped in the citizenship crisis
10-Jun-2020 CJP Assam: Reunites Inmate with daughters after two years in detention camp Rahman Ali was released from a detention camp after CJP’s intervention
05-Jun-2020 CJP helps reunite detention camp inmate with his daughters in Assam Rahman Ali was released from a detention camp after CJP’s intervention
04-Jun-2020 Watch: Four people released from Tezpur Detention Camp As of 31st May, 31 inmates has been released from the detention camps, with CJP's help
03-Jun-2020 CJP Impact: Four people released from Tezpur Detention Camp Previously released detainees pay it forward by referring new cases to CJP