15-Feb-2023 CJP Impact: Another woman saved from the spectre of facing statelessness in Assam! Many marginalised individuals have suffered at the hands of the state, but CJP stands with them to save humanity and safeguard their rights
15-Feb-2023 How a visually impaired woman finds hope in CJP CJP counsels this marginalised woman beyond the call of duty
04-Jan-2023 अगस्त 2019 की NRC एक पूरक सूची: गृह मंत्रालय राज्य सभा में गृह मंत्रालय के वक्तव्य के अनुसार सुरक्षा तंत्र स्थापित करने के बाद ही सरकार को उपलब्ध कराए जाएंगे एकत्रित आँकड़े
26-Dec-2022 Two more women saved from spectre of statelessness in Assam: CJP Impact Both widows, one Hindu and one Muslim, were falsely accused of being Bangladeshis for years
23-Dec-2022 CJP Impact: A 78 year old widow rendered stateless is declared Indian, Bongaigaon, Assam CJP Impact: A 78 year old widow rendered stateless is declared Indian, Bongaigaon, Assam
20-Dec-2022 Unwavering and relentless: CJP’s Assam Team in 2022 Wading through floods, reuniting families and bringing smiles to many faces
15-Dec-2022 CJP’s advocacy and legal aid helps “suspected foreigner”prove his citizenship Floods took away his land, miscreants set the house on fire, and now the state wants to take away his citizenship too!
12-Dec-2022 NRC of August 2019 was a supplementary list says MHA The Union Home Ministry said in Rajya Sabha that only after implementing security regime for the collected data, will it be made available to the government
23-Nov-2022 Rightscast: How a disabled woman in Assam defended her citizenship Episode 15 of CJP's Podcast Series RightsCast
16-Nov-2022 What CJI Chandrachud’s 2-year tenure looks like Hijab ban case, challenges to UAPA, CAA, anti-conversation laws could all be adjudicated during his tenure
10-Nov-2022 असम में एक दिव्यांग महिला को भारतीय घोषित कर दिया गया देखिए मुमताज बेगम का भावनात्मक सफ़र
02-Nov-2022 Differently abled woman finally declared ‘Indian’ in Assam Mamotaz Begum was freed from being called a 'doubtful citizen' with CJP's help
26-Oct-2022 CJP helps another hapless Muslim individual in securing bail: Gauhati HC CJP’s legal aid and advocacy protected him from being sent to Assam’s dreaded detention camps