07-Jun-2023 CJP Assists 67-year-old Assam woman who had surrendered herself to fate Samiran Bibi was served a D voter notice, but for a long time, she was unable to do anything until CJP’s Team Assam entered the scene.
04-Jun-2023 असम: CJP की मदद से ओमेशा बीबी ने फ़ॉरेनर ट्रिब्यूनल में साबित की नागरिकता! असम की निवासी ओमेशा ख़ातून बीबी को गोआलपाड़ा FT (Foreigners’ Tribunal) ने नोटिस जारी कर “संदिग्ध विदेशी” (Suspected Foreigner) घोषित कर दिया था लेकिन CJP के कड़े प्रयासों, क़ानूनी मदद, सशक्त पैरवी और मनोवैज्ञानिक सहयोग की बदौलत उन्हें बेबुनियाद आरोपों से मुक्ति मिली.
02-Jun-2023 Deserted by her lawyer, CJP firmly stands by woman suspected of being a foreigner CJP steps in to assist woman in Assam, as her lawyer deserts her, and her trial persists
29-May-2023 असम: CJP की एक और जीत, दलित महिला ‘डिटेंशन कैंप’ से आज़ाद CJP की असम टीम क़ानूनी सहयोग से लेकर पुनर्वास तक नागरिकता से वंचित लोगों को सहारा देने के लिए लगातार काम कर रही है.
25-May-2023 CJP Impact: CJP’s legal team delivers another victory to marginalised woman suspected of being a foreigner! Misspelt names and soil erosion almost rendered Anowara Khatoon stateless, after an uphill battle over eight months, she is finally declared Indian!
15-May-2023 वैध मतदाता होने के बावजूद FT की गिरफ़्त में भालेनो बीबी का परिवार, CJP की मदद से मिली राहत! असम के धुबरी में अप्रैल की शुरूआत में FT ने भालेनो बीबी के शौहर को नोटिस जारी किया था. इस दौरान उनसे पैसे वसूल कर FT (Foreigner’s Tribunal) से बचने का विकल्प भी पेश किया गया था.
12-May-2023 Saheba Bibi’s long march for justice persists as she seeks CJP’s aid She was served a notice for being a suspected foreigner from the South Salmara-Mankachar Foreigners’ Tribunal
10-May-2023 Assam: CJP Advocates for Women Confronting the Uphill Battle of Citizenship CJP's relentless efforts proves to be a blessing for hapless women in Assam
06-May-2023 Walking the extra mile: CJP sustains 3-year-long effort to aid released detainee live a life of normalcy! CJP's long-term rehabilitation efforts for citizens defending their citizenship in Assam
05-May-2023 CJP’s legal aid petition in Assam will now be heard beyond summer vacation The plea seeks proper legal aid for NRC excluded persons, state resists
05-May-2023 CJP takes over as Assam woman who begs for a living, is served an FT notice CJP helped Halima Bibi and her disabled husband, who were drained of hope and resources after receiving an FT notice, in their legal battle to prove citizenship.
29-Apr-2023 Legit voter served “FT notice”, money extorted, CJP steps in: Dhubri, Assam Early April saw the dreaded FT notice arriving at Bhaleno Bibi’s door, with the delivery man demanding cash for service!
28-Mar-2023 Muslim daily wager receives third notice from FT despite proving Indian citizenship in 1999 and 2017 In yet another victory for CJP, a resident of Assam suspected of being a foreigner by FT in Bongaigoan District for the third time, finally gets declared as an Indian Citizen.
18-Mar-2023 Even beggars and differently abled are not spared by Assam FTs! After a year of continuous battle, suspected foreigner gets declared Indian with CJP's help
21-Feb-2023 देखिए कैसे असम की एक नेत्रहीन महिला के लिए CJP एक उम्मीद की किरण बनती है मुश्किल समय में CJP शांतिबाला रे के पास पहुंची
17-Feb-2023 CJP Impact: A Muslim daily wage earner, suspected of being a foreigner, declared Indian! After eight months of hardwork put in by the CJP Team to disprove the false accusations, Ramila Begum gets to breathe a little easy now