24-Dec-2024 Anti-Christians Widespread hate events on the eve of X’mas, Punjab, UP, Kerala, Rajasthan In a disturbing wave of hate against Christmas celebrations, right-wing extremists attempt to disrupt Christmas celebrations across India. From Kerala to Punjab, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh, right-wing opposing Christmas, destroy festive displays, and challenge school events, all in the name of ‘opposing conversion’, two VHP leaders arrested and remanded to judicial custody for 14 days in Kerala
05-Jan-2024 “This was a sad Christmas”, say India’s Christians, navigating the shadows of hatred From Manipur to Delhi, Christians look back, with CJP, at the year that was 2023, reflecting with pain and regret, living amidst discrimination and violence
07-Feb-2023 इतिहास का एक दौर समेटे हैं बनारस के गिरजाघर: गंगा-जमुनी तहज़ीब की जीवंत मिसाल गत वर्ष ( 2022) में देशभर में क्रिसमस के त्योहार वाला दिसंबर महीना काफी चर्चाओं में रहा. कई जगहों से बुरी खबरें आईं लेकिन भोले बाबा की नगरी काशी में क्रिसमस को लेकर खासा उत्साह देखने को मिला. इस बीच हम आपको वाराणसी के दो अनोखे चर्च की दास्तान बताएंगे
30-Dec-2022 Editor-in-Chief of Sudarshan TV Suresh Chavhanke targets Christmas and Muslims Claims Christmas of the 2% is being imposed on the 98%
26-Dec-2022 Hatewatch: Hindu supremacist outfits turn the hate on Santa Claus Come Christmas and the New Year, the hate attacks mount, physical violence in Chhatisgarh, Santa effifies burnt
21-Jan-2022 India’s Ecosystem of Hate: Is Facebook both, a Beneficiary and an Offender? Complete text of Teesta Setalvad’s speech at online event organized by Real Facebook Oversight Board on January 20, 2022