Mass protests & Sansad Gherao against continued Adivasi evictions Forest Rights Groups prepare to protest the dilution of FRA 2006
20, Nov 2019 | CJP Team
Forest Rights Groups are preparing for a ‘Sansad Gherao’ on November 21st at Sansad Marg, Delhi. The Gherao, along with state, district and village level actions, have been planned to protest violations of people’s rights and dilution of Forest Rights Act of 2006 despite a Supreme Court stay on evictions.
Come join us in this fight for the rights of millions of forest dwellers and Adivasis whose lives and livelihoods are being threatened.
All Intervention Applications defending FRA, 2006 admitted by SC
Wildlife Conservation group Wildlife Trust of India withdraws challenge to FRA, 2006
Sokalo Gond and Nivada Rana lead the campaign for Forest Rights in SC
Forest Rights case: SC directs states to file Compliance Affidavits
States claim procedural lapses in processing FRA land claims, ask for more time
No due process or formal communication to land claimants: MP govt
No procedure of eviction under FRA 2006: Chhattisgarh gov’t
Maha gov’t blames DLCs for “unlawfully” rejecting Adivasis’ claims