KHOJ: Rights and Duties CJP's Educational Program for a Plural India
28, May 2019 | CJP Team
This session is expected to evolve a lasting understanding and grasp within young minds of what his/her rights are as an individual. Our Rights and Teachers Rights, Rights and Responsibilities and Rights and Duties. A critical part of the discussions involve discussing those rights. This module consists of three exercises.
Each child is given this chart and asked to reflect and fill in the responses on the following queries WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS ?? In the home, in the locality (basti), in class and in the city. After the Chart has been completed by each individual child, the teacher divides the class into groups of five-six. Each group, then prepares a charter of ‘MY RIGHTS’ listing eight to ten rights. The Class then gets each group to each charter and after discussion a Common Charter is prepared for the whole class. A critical part of the discussions involve discussing those rights that were listed by individual students but were lost in the group or class charter. Also analysed are those rights that were absent in the individual chart of the child bur surfaced in the group or Class Charter. A comparative List is also made.
After the common Class Charter has been prepared, a Session is held in which the Class Teacher and subject teachers are Present. The Charter is read and discussed together. There are some issues that would require the Teacher’s specific Inputs especially when it came to the Children’s articulation of rights within the Class and the School.
This session concludes with Two Separate Charters being drawn up Child Rights/Students Rights and Teachers Rights.