Joykrishna released from detention camp due to daughter’s persistence Bartalipi

16, Jun 2021 | Partha Chatterjee

For COVID, using as a weapon of Supreme Court and Gauhati High Court’s order, Joykrishna Paul has been released from the Goalpara Detention camp after two years. Citizens For Justice and Peace (CJP) has rendered the helping hands to the family in this case. However, 21 years Monalisa Paul, daughter of Joykrishna Paul has taken a very important role in this case. Her relentless self-will and stubbornness with the active assistance of CJP members, finally Joykrishna Paul comes out from Goalpara Detention camp after spending more then two years.

Joykrishna Paul, son of Sundhan Paul a resident of Bakirbhita village under Bongaigaon district had been served doubtful foreigner notice a few years ago. Subsequently, he has been declared as a foreigner by Foreigners Tribunal despite having all the documents.

Bengali speaking people are harrassed in the name of D voter and foreigner notice for a long time in Assam and Joykrishna Paul is a burning example of it.

In 31 January,1963 Joykrishna Paul was born in Bongaigaon district of Assam. In 1971-72 he had passed class four from Bongaigaon Vidhyapith High School. His family couldn’t understand that why the notice was served while he is an Indian by birth.┬а Her daughter Monalisa alleged the same that her father was a student of Bongaigaon Vidhyapith High School. She has all the supporting documents in this case. Even then, why has he been marked as a foreigner and put behind┬а the Detention camp for two years? However, he was the only earner before going to the Detention camp.

Sky has fallen on head when he was declared foreigner two years ago. It bound her to work at clothes shop to feed the family with Rs 2,800 monthly. Dulu Paul, Joyshrishna’s wife is suffering from diabetes and hypertension from a long time. In a result, not only fighting for her father, she has to spend a huge amount in her mother’s treatment. She has managed the situation. At the same time, her younger sister Susmita Paul has been studying in school.

This is how Monalisa was struggling for a long time. However, CJP is always there to stand with her. Monalisa herself state that on behalf of┬а CJP state incharge Nanda Ghosh has helped them in various ways. Joyshrishna┬а was also working on a shop before going to Detention camp. But when he was taken to Detention camp, his family falls under a big jolt. At this time, 21 years Monalisa has jumped into the struggle to feed the family. Monalisa started running to release her father when Supreme Court and Gauhati High Court has passed a order to release detenu due to pandemic on conditional bail.

Since she was neither known to any advocate nor aware of the rules and regulations of the court, CJP has come forward to help her in this state. But a person holding Medhi Patta is required to release Joykrishna. Brojballav Das, neighbour of Joykrishna comes forward to become a bailor to release him. This makes possible to get Joyshrishna out, says Nanda Ghosh. On the day of release, Monalisa waited whole day outside the Bongaigaon SP office. It was not possible to release him till the Bongaigaon SP(B) don’t signature it. However, the Team CJP has taken the Joyshrishna and his family by the organisation’s car to their home at night.

But his wife was so ill that she was not able to come out to welcome her husband Joyshrishna Paul. Though his daughter made it clear that no one should cry in before of her ill mother. A economically backward family gets together after the long two years of struggle. It is important to mention the people who have helped the family. Among them, the notables are CJP’s advocate Dewan Abdur Rahim, CJP state team member Papiya Das, permanent volunteer of Bongaigaon Amrit Das and driver Ashiqur Ali who are with the family.

Nanda Ghosh, on behalf of CJP, said that the COVID protocol was followed when he was taken to home from Bongaigaon SP office. Even, his blood oxygen level and temperature was monitored by oximeter and thermometer.


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