16-Dec-2022 Titles for 50% of FRA claims distributed; 95% of titles given to individuals: MoTA Between now and June 30, 2022, the government will provide state-by-state details on claims settled and titles distributed
12-Dec-2022 परिसीमन या ध्रुवीकरण? वाराणसी नगर निगम चुनाव के पहले उठ रहे सवाल आम लोगों का कहना है की नए वार्डों के नाम हिन्दू धार्मिक स्थलों पर रखना और वहां महिला रिजर्वेशन कर देना लोकतांत्रिक प्रक्रिया का हनन है और ध्रुवीकरण की कोशिश है
12-Dec-2022 Why are men believed to be superheroes, ask a young man with different abilities Samar Chauhan on accepting himself and his disability instead of expecting others to do so.
28-Nov-2022 Hate Watch: Student calls out Professor’s Islamophobia The Professor made a joke about Muslims and terrorism, which offended the student.
26-Dec-2020 Pir Mehboob Shah Fair: Celebration of syncretic traditions CJP Fellow Ripon Sheikh takes us through this journey
02-Dec-2020 #CJPWednesdays: CJP’s Hate Hatao Campaign Against Hatred and Hate Speech Bringing hate-mongering news media to justice
16-Mar-2020 CJP continues with its awareness program; this time in Bhiwandi CJP urges people to educate themselves on the CAA-NPR-NRC
13-Feb-2020 NRC Assam: Detention Camps cut food ration for detainees of over three years CJP helps those in detention camps for over 3 years to secure release even as a hostile administration denies them fair nutrition
27-Jan-2020 Why the CAA+NPR+NRC is a toxic cocktail for everyone It is not just Muslims who will be affected adversely
24-Jan-2020 Wrong intention, wrong rationale, wrong method: Teesta Setalvad on CAA-NPR-NRC CJP secretary also slams regime for human rights crisis in Assam in wake of the NRC
16-Jan-2020 सीएए (नागरिकता संशोधन क़ानून) पर केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा जारी प्रश्नोत्तरी (FAQ) का नुक़्तेवार खण्डन भारत सरकार की प्रश्नोत्तरी जितना बताती है उससे अधिक छिपाती क्यों है - एडवोकेट मिहिर देसाई
27-Dec-2019 India’s poorest citizens will bear the brunt of NPR-NRC (English) How & Why NPR-NRC is anti-poor, anti-SC/ST/OBC as well as anti-Muslim
25-Dec-2019 Advocate Mihir Desai’s point by point rebuttal of the GOI’s FAQ on CAA/ NPR-NRC Why the GOI FAQs hide more than they reveal
17-Dec-2019 Understanding the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), NRC and NPR An action packed day for CJP