11-Oct-2023 पूर्वांचल में Khoj– आने वाले कल की नींव का निर्माण CJP का खोज प्रोग्राम पिछले कई महीनों तक काफ़ी गहमागहमी से भरा रहा. इसमें युवाओं के बीच सामाजिक सद्भाव को बढ़ावा देने की कोशिश की जाती है जिससे हाशिए पर रह रहे तबक़ों तक पहुंचा जा सके
05-Oct-2023 Building tomorrow’s foundations: Khoj in Purvanchal CJP's Khoj Programme has had a busy few months, transforming young minds, encouraging social harmony, and reaching out to the marginalised
17-Jul-2023 Striving for More Effective Laws to Combat Child Marriage This legal exploration looks at the evolution of the laws on child marriage in India
08-Jul-2023 The reality of child marriage in India The article below explores the untenability of the custom and the urgent need for institutional attention and reform
02-Mar-2023 Where the doctrine of parens patraie was invoked to unsettle custody: Adoption The 9-year-old girl child was removed from foster parents care without the Court conducting an interview
16-Feb-2023 Why POSCO provisions added in these cases and where is the need for custodial interrogation? Guwahati HC questions ‘crackdown on child marriages’ and grants anticipatory bail in several cases How lawful is the application of POCSO, IPC (Rape), and PCMA as the number of Muslim men being arrested and thrown into jails rises in Assam, Guwahati HC questions
13-Feb-2023 बच्चों के बजट में कटौती कर रही सरकार, अब आगे क्या? इस साल के बजट में बाल कल्याण को 20 करोड़ रुपये आवंटित किए गए हैं जो पिछले साल के 30 करोड़ रुपये के मुकाबले 33 प्रतिशत कम है।
04-Feb-2023 Hatebuster: Hindus studying in madrassas does not violate Article 28(3) of the Constitution Munshi Premchand, Raja Ram Mohan Roy and even Dr Rajendra Prasad, India’s first President, studied in madrassas
24-Jan-2023 No policy on orphan protection, a dire necessity: Covid-19 pandemic The wide scale suffering by India’s orphans during and after the pandemic is worsened by the absence of a legal framework
11-Nov-2022 क्या आप जानते है बच्चें आखिर क्या सोच रहें है ? बच्चों के साथ बिना रोक-टोक संवाद स्थापित करने वाली खोज की एक अनूठी गतिविधि।
14-Oct-2022 जानिए शिक्षण प्रणाली की एक अनूठी पहल ‘ख़ोज’ बेहतर नागरिक समाज, संवेदनशीलता, सहजता और सवाल पूछे जाने की ख़ोज है खोज शिक्षण प्रोग्राम
02-May-2022 A boy, lost and found… yet still lost A rural family was devastated when their son went missing
03-Dec-2021 Help! Our children are forgetting how to read the alphabet Schools shut, no online access, rural children have forgotten what they had once learnt
03-Nov-2021 EXCLUSIVE: Three infants from evicted families die in Assam The forcibly evicted families had been living in makeshift huts, vulnerable to the elements
19-Aug-2021 Increase in child marriages, a side effect of Lockdown? Avenues for education and employment shut, child marriage on the rise in West Bengal’s poorest areas
08-May-2020 Impact of Covid-19 on Children Policy Brief by the UN examining challenges posed by the pandemic and how they make children even more vulnerable