24-Mar-2022 Vaishnav Jan To | T.M. Krishna | Gujarat Memorial Gandhiji's favorite bhajan performed by the renowned vocalist
05-Feb-2022 Hate Buster: Right Wingers spread fake news of Pro-Pakistan slogans at Samajwadi Party rally Original video of rally was examined, has no mention of Pakistan says District Election Officer, busting claim, fake news
25-Jan-2022 Speak up against hate | Saba Naqvi | Teesta Setalvad Teesta Setalvad in conversation with Saba Naqvi
22-Jan-2022 Help out Assam team fight the citizenship crisis Reach out to countless citizens who don't have anyone to help them
18-Dec-2021 युवाओं और महिलाओं से ही आगे बढ़ेगा वनाधिकार आंदोलन देखिये AIUFWP के उपाध्यक्ष अशोक चौधरी का विशेष इंटरव्यू
24-Nov-2021 असम डिटेन्शन कैम्प से एक और क़ैदी हुआ आज़ाद CJP ने मोजिबोर शेख़ को गोवालपारा डिटेन्शन कैम्प से करवाया आज़ाद
19-Nov-2021 मुख्यधारा मीडिया ने किसान आंदोलन को कैसे पेश किया आइए देखें मीडिया में किसान आंदोलन को कैसे दिखाया
29-Oct-2021 Understand FCA and MoEFCC’s drastic amendment proposal Episode 11 of CJP's podcast series Rightscast
27-Oct-2021 Here’s how CJP tracks hate crimes against those who dare to love Introducing CJP's Love Azaad map