14-Dec-2018 Being a Sycophant and Saffron is a Potent Mix When the Indian Judiciary has, faced with Authoritarian Leaders, Turned Unconstitutional
07-Aug-2018 Judgment Primer: Alimuddin Ansari lynching case Ramgarh Fast Track Court's judgment analysed
12-Jan-2018 Procedure not Privilege, Assigning Cases in the SC Roster Analysing Issues Raised in the Letter of Four Judges of the SC Collegium
12-Jan-2018 India’s Justice League: 4 judges defend democracy, question nepotism in SC ‘Preserve SC, Protect Democracy’ say the Judges in a press conference
01-Dec-2017 The 2004 Best Bakery Judgement and Its Significance Zahira Habibullah Sheikh v/s State of Gujarat, Delivered by the Supreme Court of India, April 12, 2004
10-Nov-2017 Supreme Court-Civil Appeal Nos. 4561, 4562 & 4563- Geomin Minerals & Marketing Pvt. Ltd. vs. State of Orissa and ors.
10-Nov-2017 High Court of Orissa – W.P.(C) NO. 14499 OF 2009- Ramesh Chandra Samantaray Vrs. State of Orissa