22-Mar-2024 Supreme Court sets clear guidelines for dealing with habeas corpus pleas From ensuring privacy, safe environment and acknowledging social stigma to immediate hearing and interim relief
05-Feb-2024 Supreme Court in 2023: Several steps forward, miles to go in the fight against hate Supreme Court's guidelines on curbing hate speech have fallen on deaf ears, so how can citizens ensure a hate-free 2024?
19-Jan-2024 When the Manipur High Court stepped in Chief Justice MV Muralidaran had ordered the Manipur Govt to “consider inclusion of the Meitei community in the Scheduled Tribe (ST) list
19-Jan-2024 How and when the Supreme Court moved on Manipur: 2023 Despite urgent approaches by victim survivor groups in May 2023, while the Supreme Court was on vacation, it was after the sensational July 19, 2023 gender violence video that concrete and detailed orders were passed by the apex court
14-Oct-2023 What does ‘Autonomy” to Jammu and Kashmir under Article 370 actually mean? Part IV of the analysis of Article 370
13-Oct-2023 ‘Reorganisation’ of J & K into two union territories, constitutional? Part III of the analysis of Article 370
12-Oct-2023 How permanent or temporary is Article 370? Part II of a series summarising arguments presented before the Supreme Court
11-Oct-2023 Article 367 an aid to understand the Constitution or a tool to amend it? Part I of Abrogation of Article 370
14-Aug-2023 New criminal laws portend great danger to democracy, says civil rights activist Teesta Setalvad The Hindu
12-May-2023 ओरवेलियन व्यवस्था में अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता दोबारा हासिल करने की कवायद सुप्रीम कोर्ट में वरिष्ठ वकील, लेखक भारत में स्वतंत्र विचार व प्रतिरोध के खिलाफ राज्यसत्ता की हर शाखा की तरफ से हमलों पर रौशनी डाल रहे हैं।
28-Feb-2023 SC dismisses petition filed by Ashwini Upadhaya, deems it violation of Constitution’s secular principles The PIL had sought for directions to rename historical cities and places that are currently named after "foreign barbaric invaders", read Muslim
24-Jan-2023 The question of diversity and inclusivity in the Indian judiciary CJP looks at existing hegemonies and the dearth of marginalised community representation within the judiciary
18-Jan-2023 An overview of dissent in the NJAC case An analysis on the dissent by Justice Chelameswar
06-Dec-2022 Uttarakhand amends its anti-conversion law; makes it more stringent Maximum punishment for forced conversion increased, mass conversion introduced as an offence
30-Nov-2022 SC once again seeks DLSA intervention to ensure that under trials unable to provide surety are released from prison Inactive DLSAs and overall bureaucratic lethargy result in under trials languishing in jails
24-Nov-2022 Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Petitions Challenging State Laws On Religious Conversion Livelaw