12-Jan-2023 बनारस: सस्ती बिजली के वादे से मुक़री उत्तरप्रदेश सरकार। आंदोलन की राह पर बुनकर बुनकर साझा मंच कर रही आंदोलन की तैयारी
30-May-2022 Do you know why hundreds of weavers were lonely in Varanasi this Eid? Unemployment, electricity policy forcing weavers to look for work in other states
29-Apr-2022 Hands that weave heritage Banarasis, are now reaching out for help! Rising electricity rates, harassment, add to the woes of weavers of Varanasi who are struggling to survive
02-Feb-2022 पारंपरिक बुनाई उद्योग की रक्षा के लिए राष्ट्रव्यापी आंदोलन का समय आ गया है पूर्वांचल बुनकरों पर सीजेपी की रिपोर्ट के विमोचन समारोह में, विशेषज्ञों और बुनकरों ने तत्काल हस्तक्षेप की मांग की
01-Feb-2022 Time for a nationwide movement to protect traditional weaving industry Experts and weavers advocate for urgent interventions at release of CJP’s report on Purvanchal weavers
31-Jan-2022 COVID-19 lockdown adversely impacted traditional weaving industry in eastern UP: Report Free Press Journal
31-Jan-2022 Weavers of Eastern UP Lost Work During Pandemic, Received No Help From Govt, Says Study | NewsClick newsclick.in
31-Jan-2022 Purvanchal: Silence of the Looms A study examining the impact of the Covid-19 Lockdown on the traditional weaving industry
31-Jan-2022 Curtain raiser: The Warp and Weft of Despair in Purvanchal CJP’s fact-finding report on the impact of the Covid-19 Lockdown on the traditional weaving industry
30-Sep-2021 Lockdown Impact: Filled forms, have Bunkar Card, yet got no help from gov’t Part-10 of our on-going series based on CJP's Purvanchal fact-finding mission examining the decline of the traditional weaving industry
23-Sep-2021 Lockdown impact: “Those who once greeted me with ‘salaam’, don’t even talk to me any more” Part-9 of our on-going series based on CJP's Purvanchal fact-finding mission examining the decline of the traditional weaving industry
21-Sep-2021 No Work, No Income – Purvanchal’s weavers caught in a web of distress CJP's Fact Finding team brings out stories of Purvanchal's weaving community
15-Sep-2021 Lockdown impact: Religion-based discrimination rampant in Varanasi? Part-8 of our on-going series based on CJP's Purvanchal fact-finding mission examining the decline of the traditional weaving industry
08-Sep-2021 Lockdown impact: Unemployed fathers, abused mothers and daughters deprived of education Part-7 of our on-going series based on CJP's Purvanchal fact-finding mission examining the decline of the traditional weaving industry
01-Sep-2021 Lockdown impact: Lungi weavers left in the lurch Part-6 of our on-going series based on CJP's Purvanchal fact-finding mission examining the decline of the traditional weaving industry