26-Jun-2023 Inside India’s forest lands a battle for land and resources: Adivasis & Forest dwellers A real life battle is on in those lands over which forest dwellers and Adivasis ought to have control but where state and corporate interests intrude
29-Mar-2022 After Sonbhadra, additional Forest Lands Claims filed for Chitrakoot villagers AIUFWP helps Chitrakoot villagers file Forest Land Claims under FRA
27-Dec-2021 Defending Forest Rights in 2021 CJP and AIUFWP stand by Adivasis and forest dwellers amidst mounting challenges
21-Dec-2021 वन श्रमजीवी यूनियन का महत्व | महिला शीर्ष नेतृत्व की क्रांतिकारी पहल | रोमा देखिये AIUFWP के महासचिव रोमा का विशेष इंटरव्यू
19-Jul-2019 FRA 2006 can’t be diluted, needs to become political issue Public Hearing on Forest Rights highlights lacunae in implementation
15-Mar-2019 Women forest dwellers recount struggles, stories of resistance in Mumbai event TwoCircles.net
20-Nov-2018 UP’s Indomitable Van Tangias: Overcoming Marginalisation with Tenacity How unions pressurised CM Adityanath to recognise several villages as Revenue Villages
31-Oct-2018 इससे न सत्य मिलेगा न ही न्याय : NHRC की अपर्याप्त जांच पर AIUFWP सचिव रोमा की प्रतिक्रिया मई महीने में सीजेपी और AIUFWP द्वारा की गई साझी शिकायत पर NHRC का जवाब
29-Oct-2018 A Beautiful Show of Solidarity: Activists group reaches Mirzapur, UP jail to meet Sokalo CJP initiated the meeting with Adivasi leader who has not been released even about a month after bail