27-Dec-2021 Defending Forest Rights in 2021 CJP and AIUFWP stand by Adivasis and forest dwellers amidst mounting challenges
25-Dec-2021 CJP’s Fantastic Four Meet the youth leaders who were awarded the CJP Grassroots Fellowship 2020-2021
06-Sep-2021 CJP impact: A fellowship, that encouraged communities to cross communication barriers It has helped open up a window for Van Gujjars, whose stories are now being shared widely
05-Aug-2021 “CJP’s Grassroots Fellowship gave me a leadership identity” CJP’s Grassroots Fellowship goes beyond individual recognition, empowers Van Gujjar community
04-Jun-2021 A ray of hope is all we need How Uttarakhand’s Van Gujjars are rebuilding relationships with villagers
17-Apr-2021 Bullets and bureaucracy: Van Gujjars of Shivalik hills are caught in the crosshairs At least 4,000 families of the originally nomadic community have settled in the region that is also home to an Army shooting range
27-Mar-2021 How can you ever ‘resettle’ an ancient way of life? Resettlement not always constructive rehabilitation, forest dwellers face the loss of identity
20-Feb-2021 Our life is linked to the forests we call home: Van Gujjars Receding forest cover and forced 'rehabilitation' is imperiling their existence
02-Feb-2021 Who sprayed chemicals in an eco-sensitive forest area in Haldwani? Brave Van Gujjar woman’s video recording reveals atrocities by Forest Department officials
13-Jan-2021 Don’t miss out on CJP Grassroots Fellows’ stories This #CJPWednesdays let's take a look at stories documented by our Grassroots fellows
26-Dec-2020 They call us Jamatis, no longer buy milk from us: Van Gujjars Nomadic community faces discrimination and economic boycott
10-Dec-2020 Revealed! An ancient migration route that may vanish soon Tracking the path taken by Van Gujjar nomads
21-Nov-2020 पराली ख़रीद कर वायु प्रदूषण से लड़ रहें है वन गुज्जर उत्तराखण्ड राज्य में पराली जलाई नहीं जाती, बल्कि उचित मूल्य में खरीद लेते हैं वन गुज्जर समुदाय
18-Nov-2020 Van Gujjars emerge as Air Pollution Warriors Buy stubble from Uttarakhand farmers so it doesn’t need to be burnt
27-Oct-2020 Meet Ameer Hamza, a CJP fellow CJP 's grassroots fellowships are meant to enable young men and women document the world around them