01-Jun-2022 CJP calls out Times Now host’s bias towards BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma Original transcript of the debate show will reveal if viral video clipping is edited
01-Jun-2022 Pandit Ravi Sonkar threatens to behead worshippers at Gyanvapi mosque, CJP moves DGP UP The hate offender threatened Muslim devotees for washing hands and feet above the "Shivling"
31-May-2022 CJP Impact: YouTube responds to CJP’s complaint, takes down hate filled content! YouTube took down six hateful videos mentioned in CJP's complaint
31-May-2022 Hate Watch: Deceased Batadraba fisherman’s family dubbed “Jihadi” Local hate offender calls for their “encounter”; CM’s political secretary calls them criminals
29-May-2022 There is No Shivling inside the Gyanvapi Mosque | Rajendra Tiwari CJP's Exclusive Interview with Kashi Vishwanath Temple's ex- Mahant
26-May-2022 CJP impact: GRP team removes communal posters from Mumbai local train CJP had approached authorities after receiving a video of the poster from a rights group
25-May-2022 ज्ञानवापी मामले पर नागरिक एकजुट, कहा: हमें मंदिर-मस्जिद नहीं, शांति और रोजगार चाहिए सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताओं द्वारा आयोजित मोहल्ला समिति बैठकों के दौरान उठाए गए पोषण, आजीविका जैसे मुद्दे जो की आम आदमी के लिए ज़्यादा ज़रूरी हैं
23-May-2022 CJP Impact: NCM acts on CJP’s complaint against Hate Offender Pravin Togadia NCM urges Assam Chief Secretary to take necessary action
21-May-2022 This is a conspiracy against the constitution | Gyanvapi Row Citizens and peace warriors in Varanasi come together
21-May-2022 CJP’s next step in countering Online Hate: YouTube urged to take action against hateful content CJP insists the platform act on its Community Guidelines to counter Hate Speech
21-May-2022 Consumption non-vegetarian food growing in India: NFHS-5 Non-vegetarianism also growing in Gujarat
20-May-2022 हेट बस्टर: नहीं! मुस्लिमों के रेस्टोरेंट के खाने से नपुंसकता नहीं होती केरल के एक राजनेता ने दावा किया था कि मुस्लिम रेस्तरां नपुंसकता की दवाओं वाली चाय परोस रहे हैं!
19-May-2022 Hate Buster: Meat, meets fact checks India is not a ‘pure vegetarian’ nation, a fact that Hindutva goons find hard to digest
16-May-2022 CJP moves NCM against Adesh Gupta for calling Bangladeshi and Rohingya immigrants ‘Terrorists’ The Delhi BJP Chief had claimed that their presence poses a threat to Delhi's security
13-May-2022 Hate Watch: Kerala Governor schools Muslim cleric for targeting schoolgirl for accepting award Arif Mohammad Khan has questioned the state’s silence on the matter
13-May-2022 Hate Buster: Conspiracy theories about Taj Mahal collapse, yet again Court dismisses plea seeking reopening Taj Mahal rooms, fact checkers call out Tejo Mahalay claims once again