10-Feb-2025 Forest Conservation Amendment Act, 2023: A challenge to Adivasi land rights and environmental protections The FCAA, 2023 undermines Adivasi land rights, increasing ecological risks, displacement, and weakening protections for Indigenous people
30-Jul-2021 Tug of war between two ministries, Adivasi rights slip through the cracks MoEF seeking to control autonomy over land and rights that MoTA was given in 2006?
12-Nov-2019 Compilation of Forest Rights Act, Rules, and Guidelines Compiled by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme
22-Oct-2019 Counter Affidavit filed by MoTa in support of tribal rights in the FRA The Counter-Affidavit was filed in the main matter of Wildlife First vs. Union of India
12-Sep-2019 Wildlife Conservation group Wildlife Trust of India withdraws challenge to FRA, 2006 Withdrawal a vindication of Adivasis’ claims of a symbiotic relationship with Forests
22-Oct-2018 वन अधिकार रक्षकों के पक्ष में आया अलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट का फ़ैसला आदेश है कि किसी दावेदार को न झेलनी पड़े परेशानी
14-Aug-2018 Rahul Gandhi bats for Sukalo and Kismatiya Campaign by CJP and AIUFWP for Adivasis of Sonebhadra draws attention of political parties