01-May-2020 CJP locates ‘untraceable’ Assam detention camp inmate, helps her get bail Zubeida Khatoon had lost all hope after being forced to spend more than five years in captivity
24-Apr-2020 The night Parbati came home A look at how an old woman was dubbed a ‘foreigner’ and forced to spend over three years in a detention camp!
23-Apr-2020 Victory! CJP helps secure release of 9 Detention Camp inmates in Assam Team Assam ran pillar to post completing formalities, and didn’t slow down despite the lockdown
20-Mar-2020 CJP in Action: Three of a family released from Assam detention camp after four years! Many are still languishing behind bars despite being eligible for bail
01-Mar-2020 CJP in Action: Two men released from detention camp after CJP intervention CJP helped organize advocate, documentation and communication with authorities
26-Nov-2019 Assam man forced to rot in Detention Camp for over 3 years Migrant labourer declared ‘foreigner’ for going to Delhi in search of a job!
01-Nov-2019 Family left out of NRC even after submitting claims form: CJP intervenes Marfat Ali and his family were left of the NRC even after submitting valid legacy documents and claims form
25-Oct-2019 CJP helps Detention Camp victim’s son resume education Biki Dey was forced to drop out after his father Subrata died in May 2018
14-Oct-2019 Bengali Hindu couple falsely accused of using fake legacy person CJP helps clear name, family included in final NRC
28-Sep-2019 Poverty haunts family of Subrata Dey Detention Camp victim's son forced to give up education, mother and widow make cloth bags to survive!
16-Sep-2019 अगर NRC में मेरा नाम नहीं आता तो मैं आत्महत्या कर लेता : हसन अली CJP की मदद से फाइनल NRC लिस्ट में जगह बनाने में हुए कामयाब
04-Sep-2019 CJP Team Visits Families of People Excluded from the NRC CJP helps genuine Indian citizens in Assam
03-Sep-2019 Assam NRC Final list publication day in pictures Photo feature showcasing how CJP volunteers helped Indians in Assam
02-Sep-2019 I would have attempted suicide again had my name been excluded from the NRC: Hassan Ali CJP had counselled him after suicide attempt and now his name has been included in the final NRC
31-Aug-2019 CJP in Assam: The evolution of our campaign to avert a humanitarian crisis An account of our various initiatives to help Indians in Assam