21-Sep-2021 No Work, No Income – Purvanchal’s weavers caught in a web of distress CJP's Fact Finding team brings out stories of Purvanchal's weaving community
01-Sep-2021 Lockdown impact: Lungi weavers left in the lurch Part-6 of our on-going series based on CJP's Purvanchal fact-finding mission examining the decline of the traditional weaving industry
06-May-2021 समस्या सुनिए, नहीं तो गोली मार दीजिए: पूर्वांचल के बुनकर CJP की फैक्ट फाइंडिंग टीम पूर्वांचल के बुनकरों की दुर्दशा बयान कर रही हैं
19-Apr-2021 लॉकडाउन ने करीमपुर को बनाया खंडहर, बुनकर हुए मोहताज लॉकडाउन ने बुनकरों की दुर्दशा कर दी है, CJP टीम के एक्सक्लूसिव वीडियो
09-Apr-2021 लॉकडाउन से बुनकरों की बुरी हालत, CJP ने किया खुलासा देखिए पूर्वांचल के बुनकरों का यह विशेष वीडियो
06-Jan-2021 #CJPWednesdays CJP fact finding: Looking into the distress of Purvanchal’s weavers A peek into CJP's fact finding teams incredible dialogue with weaver's of Purvanchal region in UP and their current state of hopelessness
28-Nov-2020 How this weaver was forced to run a tea shop After the lockdown, many of them are struggling to find work
25-Nov-2020 Uncovering the despair of Purvanchal’s weavers CJP fact finding brings to us stories from Purvanchal's weaving industry
11-Nov-2020 Award winning author now sells fish for a living His story was brought to light by the CJP fact finding team in Varanasi