27-Jul-2023 नागरिकता संकट के कटघरे से रिहा हरिमोहन वर्मन, CJP ने की मदद संघर्ष के लंबे सिलसिले के बाद CJP की क़ानूनी मदद के ज़रिए हरिमोहन वर्मन ने FT के सामने नागरिकता का हक़ दोबारा हासिल कर लिया है.
15-Jul-2023 Horrors of Citizenship Crisis seem endless to Harimohan Barman as CJP steps in to help With legal aid from CJP, Harimohan Barman was released in 2021, however his struggles continue
12-Nov-2022 Suresh Chavhanke continues to peddle hate, targets Maulana Abul Kalam Azad The occasion of National Education Day, Maulana Azad's birth anniversary becomes an opportunity for serial hate- speech peddler Suresh Chavhanke to spread Islamophobia