20-Apr-2020 Watch: Inside detention camp for 3 years; CJP intervenes CJP is committed to help genuine Indian citizens facing the citizenship crisis
17-Apr-2020 Ten new detention camps proposed in Assam Submission made before state assembly also says there are over one lakh each of Declared Foreigners and D-Voters in the state
26-Mar-2020 Urgent plea: 10,000 masks needed for the Assam Community and CJP Team For those in Assam who are battling the citizenship crisis amid coronavirus
25-Mar-2020 CJP Impact: Family of three released from Assam detention camp after four years! CJP continues to help release Indians living in detention camps
23-Mar-2020 CJP Impact: Upholds and Defends your Constitutional Rights From Assam's detention camps to hate speech
20-Mar-2020 Breaking: Assam NRC activities halted due to Corona virus Lakhs of people excluded from Assam NRC will remain in the dark until further notice
14-Mar-2020 This ‘suspected foreigner’ has a Chandrashekhar Azad Link CJP continues to provide support to the large number of people affected by the NRC
11-Mar-2020 CJP continues its fight for justice in Assam CJP continues to provide support to the large number of people affected by the NRC
08-Mar-2020 This women’s day CJP celebrates all women in resistance We salute all the brave women who speak up against oppression and violence
03-Mar-2020 CJP helps release two brothers from Assam detention camp CJP's Assam team battled legal formalities for four months to help release the brothers.
01-Mar-2020 CJP in Action: Two men released from detention camp after CJP intervention CJP helped organize advocate, documentation and communication with authorities
26-Feb-2020 Citizenship Crisis: CJP is here to help CJP is conducting trainings and workshops to help Indian citizens
26-Feb-2020 CJP’s online petition to CJI: Hold Kapil Mishra accountable for instigating the Delhi violence Sign our petition urging CJI Bobde to prosecute the serial hate offender
18-Feb-2020 CJP in Action: Clearing confusion and creating awareness CJP and allies help people understand wider ramifications of NPR-NRC-CAA
17-Feb-2020 Assam NRC: Detention Camp cuts food ration CJP Assam is working with the families of the detainees to help release them at the earliest
17-Feb-2020 CJP in Action: Forest workers unite with anti-CAA protesters Members of CJP's partner organisation AIUFWP met with Shaheen Bagh protesters to fight oppression together