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Order reducing hours of operation of Grocery Stores

Even as a curfew is underway in the state, the Government of Maharashtra has directed the stores selling groceries and food items to restrict hours of operation between 7 A.M and 11 A.M. This also includes stores selling animal fodder and pet food, as well as businesses selling materials for the impending rainy season. 

However, the government has permitted home delivery from the aforementioned stores even after 11 A.M. Home delivery is permitted between 7 A.M and 8 P.M. This decision was taken to ensure that neither the shops suffer losses, nor are people deprived of essentials. 

However, there are concerns about the likelihood of people gathering in large numbers near shops during the 7 A.M to 11 A.M slot, thereby defeating the very idea of having such restrictions in the first place. Moreover, given widely observed instances of people not adhering to simple Covid protocols such as wearing masks, or wearing them in an ineffective manner, and in many cases failing to maintain social distancing, there are concerns that a congregation could cause the infection to spread further. 

The complete order may be read here: