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Extra Judicial Killings

Extra Judicial Killing



Encounter Killings in Gujarat and State
Series of Encounters in Gujarat since October 2002

Judge Tamang Inquiry Report on the Ishrat Jahan Killing

(pdf 766kb) (September 7, 2009)

(Press Invite)
CJP demands comprehensive judicial probe 

(September 8, 2009)

CJP demands comprehensive judicial probe

(September 9, 2009)

List of Encounters — Gujarat


MHA Affidavit in Ishrat Jahan Case
(August 6, 2009)

Petition by Ishrat’s Mother Shamima Kausar
(August 19, 2004)

CJP applies to Gujarat High Court on Jaffer Kasim’s encounter

(PDF) (January 16, 2008)

SC application of CJP and Mariam Jaffer Hussain

(PDF) (January  21, 2009)