Foreigner notice has created terror just after the election. The Foreigner notice has been issued again in the several districts of lower Assam including Bongaigaon. Though Citizenship Amendment Act is in force but, Hindu Bengali has not left out to get the notice. The Hindu Bengali too are receiving the notice. The main issue is that violating the law, multiple Foreigner notice was pasted on electric post.
Notice has to be sent in English and Assamese but it’s not also obeyed.
CJP alleged, according to the order of the Foreigner tribunal 1964 of clause 4, the sender of the notice has to report the tribunal in which presence the notice was served. The person was there has to be a witness and mandatory to take his sign. It means, notice can’t be pasted anywhere. According to the Clause(F), if the accused person’s address couldn’t find, the notice has to attached in a such open place where he lived or is living or he is working. But despite this, the notice has been pasted on the electric post besides the road.
According to the Clause (G), the notice has to serve in presence of a family member or a reputed person from the village with his sign as a witness. But it was not said to put the notice on the electric post in the Foreigner Tribunal Order 1964. However the order has been broken to put notice on electric post. In those notice the accused person has to attaint a particular foreigner tribunal on a particular date.
CJP team has visited Babupara, Ghoshpara, Boubazar, North Bongaigaon of Bongaigaon district and found that most of the notice has been serve on the name of woman. The mentioned names are Mira Rani Das, Parbati Singha, Sankari Ghosh, Prativa Dey and so on. In some places, writing on the notice were erased and unreadable due to rain. Even some notice didn’t have proper name and address. However, after the end of election the new notice has created a fresh terror among the people. Locals are afraid to express their disappointments, many fear that if they speak, they’ll get notice in their own name.
The Foreigner Tribunal Order 1964 disobeyed, alleged CJP. Panic among the common people.
The Foreigner Tribunal Order 1964 has been broken and in some cases the order of High Court also. Because, the court has repeatedly said that the notice has to serve to the doubtful foreigner.
However, an opposite pictures has been in Bongaigaon. Multiple Foreigner notice has been pasted on the electric post. The border police sum up their liability just putting the notice on a post beside the road. It has created a huge panic among the common people. Moreover the leaders who have made promise, now are missing. The third phase of election has ended on 6th April and notice were pasted on 9th April. Members of Citizens For Justice and Peace (CJP) team has visited many places and took the picture.
The Organization CJP, fighting for Citizenship and human rights in Assam alleged that the clause 3 of the Foreigner Tribunal Order 1964 has been disobeyed by pasting notice on the electric post. In this order several rules are mention to serve a notice to the doubtful foreigner. However, the border police has disobeyed all those rules by putting notice on the electric post.