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Hindus And Sikhs Help Repair And Rebuild An Old Mosque In Punjab

Hindus And Sikhs Help Repair And Rebuild An Old Mosque In Punjab
October 8, 2015
Inspirational, News When we can see the sharp lines drawn between Hindus and Muslims after the case of Dadri lynching. There are many people who have reached their boiling point because of that case. But that incident has not stopped Sikh and Hindu community members from helping Muslims repair an old mosque. In fact, the non-Muslims are bearing more than 65% of the expenses.
Nathowal village has a population of around 7, 000 of which around 500 are Muslims. “All three communities lived in peace here even before Partition. During Partition, 10 to 12 families migrated to Pakistan but 50 families stayed back as our Sikh brothers didn’t allow them to leave. Today, our relations are only stronger.” Mansa Khan said, a contractor and president of Jamia Masjid at Nathowal village.
The repair of the mosque started before 6 months and the money invested in this project is 25 lakhs from which 15 lakhs have been contributed by Sikhs and Hindu. Before this, the member of Muslim and Hindu community has also contributed to gurdwara work.