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Hate offender Wasim Rizvi fans communal flames again

Wasim Rizvi, the former chairman of the Uttar Pradesh Shia Waqf Board, is in the news once again for his deeply communal and Islamophobic diatribe, this time published in his book titled Muhammad, purportedly on the life of the Prophet Mohammed, one of the most revered figures in Islam.

One could have gauged the contents of the book from the book launch ceremony itself where Rizvi was seen in the company of fellow hate offender Yati Narsinghanand. The head priest of the Dasna temple has cultivated quite an ecosystem of hate, with his followers feeling empowered to spew hate with impunity. The Wire, that has examined a copy of the book, reported that Rizvi has virtually attempted to defame Prophet Mohammed as a womaniser and murderer.

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Wasim Rizvi is not new to controversy. In the past too he has made multiple attempts to create communal tension.

In September 2017, Rizvi had met Mahant Suresh Das, one of the parties advocating the construction of Ram Temple, to show the UP Shia Waqf Board’s support for the construction of the Ram temple. He had also advocated for the construction of the mosque some distance away from Ramjanmabhoomi in a Muslim neighbourhood. This had helped him score major brownie points from Hindutva leaders and groups. However, the comments were ill timed as the matter was still sub-judice and extremely communally sensitive, especially given the violence surrounding the Babri Masjid demolition in December 1992 and a spate of violence that ensued in its aftermath.

Then in January 2018, Rizvi alleged that country’s madrasas “produced more terrorists than civil servants” in a letter addressed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Incensed at the accusations made by Rizvi, the Jamiat Ulama-e-Maharashtra, sent a defamation notice to Rizvi. Apart from the Rs 20 crore defamation suit, the notice also demanded Rizvi to submit an unconditional apology.

On March 11, 2021, Rizvi had moved Supreme Court with a plea seeking the “removal” of certain verses from the Quran that according to him “promoted violence.” This prompted the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) to seek an unconditional apology from him for his “highly provocative, objectionable and malicious” statements that the NCM claims, were delivered “with intent to outrage the religious feelings of a particular community and to insult the particular religion.”

Recently while promoting his book, in a viral video interview to right-wing Youtuber Niraj Atri, Rizvi said, “Mohammed declared himself to be a Prophet, and used Allah’s name to share false teachings in a bid to become influential. This influence grew so much that we now see Islamic terrorism threatening the world. The foundation for all this was laid in Arabia 1,400 years ago.”

It is noteworthy that the Shia community and Rizvi’s own family have virtually disowned him. His latest book, is therefore perhaps, a desperate attempt to hold on to the last few shreds of dignity and forge stronger alliances with Hindutva leaders.


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