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Express investigation part-I: Over 600 ‘communal incidents’ in UP since LS results, 60% near bypoll seats

Written by Appu Esthose Suresh | Moradabad | August 5, 2014 8:15 am
Police records show provocation from all sides: aggressive BJP, desperate Samajwadi Party, shrinking BSP.
A third of all “communal” incidents recorded by police in Uttar Pradesh in the 10 weeks following the Lok Sabha election results have occurred in — or on the fringes of — 12 assembly constituencies that are scheduled to go to polls over the next few months.
If a larger circle is imagined — covering broadly the region around these constituencies — this proportion rises to two-thirds, police records scrutinised by The Indian Express show.
The records show a running strand of attempts made by an aggressive BJP, a desperate SP, and a flagging BSP to turn every clash involving individuals from the two largest religious communities into a communal issue.