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Death sentence for killing students

BIHARSHARIF, February 10, 2016
A district court on Tuesday awarded death sentence to a man and life imprisonment to another for killing two students of Purnea district when they came there to write an examination two years ago.
Additional District Judge Rajesh Kumar Pandey awarded death sentence to Lala Chaurasia and life imprisonment to Chamo for pushing two polytechnic students to death from a mountain.
The court also slapped a penalty of Rs 10000 each.
Four students had come to write an examination in 2014 and had gone to a temple at Hiranya mountain where they were looted by four miscreants of their cash and ATM cards.
On finding they were told wrong PIN numbers they pushed the two students to death from a height of 300 m.
A third student fell on a bush along with one of the attackers and survived, while the fourth student managed to flee from the scene.