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B’luru imams to preach against ISIS, jehad

Tuesday, 06 October 2015 | Kestur Vasuki | Bengaluru
In a bid to avert Islamic State’s (ISIS) influence on Muslim youth, all Bengaluru mosques have started sermons against ISIS and terrorism in their weekly prayers. According to Imam of Jamia Masjid of Bengaluru, around 150 mosques across the city will give sermons against ISIS and terrorism to stop Muslim youths from getting influenced by the international terrorist organisation, ISIS.
In a statement sent to all the mosques by Mohammed Maqsood Imran, the Imam of the Jamia Masjid, said “give sermons against ISIS to protect the young minds from being lured into the terror trap on the pretext of religion.”
“The ISIS is tarnishing the image of Islam by spreading terrorism. The aim is to protect the religion and also propagate peace and wellbeing of humanity and killing of any form is not tolerated, especially attacking innocent,” the statement added.