CJP needs
funds urgently.
Please click on the box
below to donate.







Compensation to  Gujarat Riot Victims


Public Meeting

Fatwa on Terrorism issued by Mufti Fuzail-ur-Rahman Hilal Usmani
(Pronounced in person at a Public Meeting, “Citizens Against Terror”, organized by Citizens for Justice and Peace, Muslims for Secular Democracy and others in Mumbai on July 27, 2006).

Text of Fatwa: Hindi | Urdu | Marathi | Gujarati

Message from Sajjadanashin Of
Hazrat Khwaja Saheb,
Ajmer Shari

Press Coverage of Meeting

Statement of Condemnation
(Mumbai Blast)


SC judgment
Re-trial of Best Bakery Case
outside Gujarat

(April 12, 2004)

Media Archive



  List of Prosecution,    
  defence witnesses
  Chart for the
  identification of
  the accused
  Chart for the
  identification of
  the weapon
  List of accused  (pdf)
  Contradictory statements  
  by Zahira and family
  Zahira Speak  (pdf)
  Hostile witnesses:    (pdf)
  Criminal consequences
  Modi on NHRC, CJ  (pdf)
  Pending petition for  (pdf)
  re- investigation, transfer
  No appeals  (pdf)
 Partisan prosecutors (pdf)
 Partisan Investigation (pdf)
 Vadodara witnesses (pdf)
  Case History
 Supreme court  
(Mar 8, '06)
  Mazgaon (Mumbai)
  session court
(Full Judgement)  
 ( Feb 24, '06)
  Mazgaon (Mumbai)
  session court
 (Feb 24, '06)
  SC Judgement: transfer
  and  retrial in Mumbai
(April 12, '04)
  SC order expunging
  remarks against
  Teesta, Mihir
  Gujarat HC order
  Dec. 26, '03/Jan 12, '04
  CJP and Zahira file
  SLP in SC
(Aug. 8, '03)
  Zahira/CJP press  
  conference in Mumbai

  (July 7, '03)
  Sessions Court
  Judgement, Vadodara

  (June 27, '03)

News Letter March 2006

Crime Against

Gujarat Riots
 Concerned Citizens Tribunal Report


Crime Against

( Abridged Version)


Gujarat 2002


         CJP needs funds urgently


          To donate Online through Paypal, Click here.   

  Donations through cheques/Demand Drafts/Pay Orders favouring ‘
Citizens for Justice and Peace’ to be posted to:

Citizens for Justice and Peace, Nirant, Juhu Tara Road,

Juhu, Mumbai -  400049.

(CJP has a savings bank account with the Khar Branch, Mumbai of IDBI Bank)


   Should you intend to contribute a significant sum and prefer bank-to-bank transfer, please email us at: [email protected] or [email protected] for our account details.
   For any further information, please call Javed Anand (cell no: +919870402556) or email Teesta Setalvad or Javed Anand at the same email addresses. 





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