Status Quo

Mass grave unearthed
at Lunawada, Gujarat

Full coverage

Northerner moors

Best Bakery Case
Full coverage


Compensation to  Gujarat Riot Victims


Mazgaon session
(Full Judgement)
 ( Feb 24, '06)


SC judgment
Re-trial of Best Bakery Case
outside Gujarat

(April 12, 2004)


Media Archive





  List of Prosecution,    
  defence witnesses
  Chart for the
  identification of
  the accused
  Chart for the
  identification of
  the weapon
  List of accused  (pdf)
  Contradictory statements  
  by Zahira and family
  Zahira Speak  (pdf)
  Hostile witnesses:    (pdf)
  Criminal consequences
  Modi on NHRC, CJ  (pdf)
  Pending petition for  (pdf)
  re- investigation, transfer
  No appeals  (pdf)
  Partisan prosecutors (pdf)
  Partisan Investigation (pdf)
  Vadodara witnesses (pdf)


Case History

  Supreme court  
(Mar 8, '06)
  Mazgaon (Mumbai)
  session court
(Full Judgement)  
 ( Feb 24, '06)
  Mazgaon (Mumbai)
  session court
 (Feb 24, '06)
  SC Judgement: transfer
  and  retrial in Mumbai
(April 12, '04)
  SC order expunging
  remarks against
  Teesta, Mihir
  Gujarat HC order
  Dec. 26, '03/Jan 12, '04
  CJP and Zahira file
  SLP in SC
(Aug. 8, '03)
  Zahira/CJP press  
  conference in Mumbai

  (July 7, '03)
  Sessions Court
  Judgement, Vadodara

  (June 27, '03)

Judicial Research

Judgements on     compensation
Judgements supporting case for transfer



Crime Against

Gujarat Riots
 Concerned Citizens Tribunal Report


Crime Against

( Abridged Version)


Gujarat 2002


Text of the fatwa:






Fatwa on Terrorism issued by Mufti Fuzail-ur-Rahman Hilal Usmani


(Pronounced in person at a Public Meeting, “Citizens Against Terror”, organized by Citizens for Justice and Peace, Muslims for Secular Democracy and others in Mumbai on July 27, 2006).  


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


There is a world of a difference between an Islamic Jihad and terrorism. In Islam, a Jihad is that ultimate stage when, struggling in the path of Allah in pursuit of a noble and sacred task, a Momin stakes his very life. He does this to break the shackles of slavery so that human beings can be free, so that they enjoy the freedom of expression, the freedom of conscience and all those other fundamental rights that the Almighty in his Grace and Mercifulness has with a special purpose willed for all mankind. Jihad in Islam is a temporary, reformative instrument intended to establish enduring peace and social security.


In total contrast to this, terrorism is aimed at terrorizing people, at creating a climate of terror that snatches away from people their right to life and the right to move around freely.


In other words,


A jihad secures for people their basic rights while terrorism snatches away these very rights and freedoms from them.


Every human life is precious in Islam. The killing of even one innocent person is akin to the massacre of all mankind. Terrorism on the other hand, plays with the lives of innocent people who have done no wrong. In Islam, as in any other civilized social order, acts of terror are nothing but heinous and despicable crimes.


It is oft said that everything is permitted in love and war. But Islam strictly prohibits transgressing the boundaries of human decency even in situations of war. By establishing a code to be followed in battle, Islam has shown to the world that a war must be seen as nothing more than an unavoidable surgical operation for a patient in dire need. That is why, even during war, Islam expressly forbids the targeting of others places of worship, of innocent civilian population, or of hospitals. The destruction of standing crops, the chopping of trees, the poisoning of water sources or of the atmosphere is also strictly prohibited.


Islam aims to create a just and peaceful social order so that the spring sources of terrorism may be capped. It is the duty of compassionate people all over the world to come forward and help create a fair and just social order so that mankind is freed from the curse of terrorism.


Mufti Fuzail-ur-Rahman Hilal Usmani

(Darus Salam Islamic Center Maler Kotla Punjab).


Darul Uloom, Deoband; Chief Mufti, Punjab.

Founding Member and Member, Executive Committee, All India Muslim Personal Law Board; Member, Executive Committee, All India Muslim Majlis Mashawarat. Member, All India Milli Council; Member, Court, Aligarh Muslim University.

For further information please contact:

[email protected] or [email protected].



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